RPN - atelier de relojoaria

We are a Shop-Atelier that buys, sells and exchanges watches from prestigious brands.
All our watches are 100% repaired with high level of professionalism.

This project comes as a complement to the traditional market of the new watches and the attempt to answer some important questions for those who like watches:

- What to do with the watches that we no longer use?

- How can we find that watch that is not in the new collections?

- Want to buy a good watch, but which one? Can it be an investment?

Who loves watches is increasingly savvy, more demanding and more sophisticated. Takes the opportunity to sell or exchange the watches that no longer want for another good piece, the less than half the price of a new model.

This market requires solid knowledge of the product, of the market and mostly technical. With the alarming wave of counterfeits, increasingly sophisticated, our concept of Shop-Atelier is crucial in the process of acquiring watches. Is from this rigorous selection and knowledge that resulting the credibility and quality of supply.


Trusted Seller
Den här återförsäljaren äger en affär där du kan titta på klockorna.
Rekommendationer från andra Chrono24-handlare: 9
Sålda klockor via Chrono24: 212

4,7 av 5 stjärnor  |  Omdömen: 132

Detaljerade omdömen 

 4,9 Leverans
 4,8 Varubeskrivning
 4,6 Kommunikation
99% av köparna skulle rekommendera denna handlare.

Aktuella topperbjudanden

Information om tvistlösning online

EU-kommissionen har skapat en internetplattform för lösning av tvister online (så kallad ”OS-plattform”). Denna onlineplattform tjänar som kontaktpunkt för tvistlösning utanför domstol i tvister beträffande avtalsenliga förpliktelser i samband med köpeavtal online. Kunden kommer till onlineplattformen via följande länk:

RPN - atelier de relojoaria

Rua São Julião, 66
1100-526 Lisboa

Tel.: +351 216 042 701
Mobil: +351 933 191 458
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Moms-ID: PT509767516